Friday, March 04, 2005

hung over on Friday

The great thing about the film world is that everyone involved really wants to work. To that extent it's always possible to get really experienced people for free if they understand that you really have no money and they like the project. The long and the short of it seems to be that people really just want to see their work up on the screen, be they cameramen, make up, set designers or whatever.

The down side is that it kind of spoils you. I worked with Mike Eley (Touching the void) and Duncan Telford as my last two directors of photography. And so now I want someone just as good. Trouble is because they're good they keep working. Or more to the point, they keep taking on projects that keep moving. Duncan has been offered a really nice feature to shoot. He should have finished it by now, but instead they've moved the date, and now it may be April. Bastards.

So still no crew, date or money. Woohoo.


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