Wednesday, April 06, 2005

All hail

We love Panavision. The very kind Mr Pete Swarbrick took us through all the HD equipment then took us through to bookings. We explained our situation, how we had this great cast and crew and only a little window of opportunity to shoot in, and because of that we hadn't had a chance to get any money. And what did they say? We love to help film makers out. And indeed they do.

Subject to availability we're now shooting on top of the range HDW-F900. What nice people. Mike Eley mentioned shooting on the 750, but Panavision insisted (insisted) we take the next camera up as they think it's better when you go for a 35mm print, as we're intending to.

So that's cast, DP, insurance, make up and now camera sorted out. That leaves me with the following: Location, sound, focus puller, props, and Kearney is busy working on the locations. Easy. Thinking of adding a load of CGI shots just to make it more of a challenge to make. 22 days until we start shooting. Bugger, that's not that far off.


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