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Watched an astounding film last night, The consequences of love by Paolo Sorrentino. Full of very long, very slow shots it was one of the most beautiful films I've seen in years. Very, very slow indeed, long silences and philosophical narration. Oh yes, and it's a mob crime film as well. Most excellent.
But what it did was remind me it's about time to do that draft. you know the one, the draft where you get a big red pen out and go through the script crossing out lines of dialogue and replacing them with shots that say it instead. Show not tell. In the film yesterday there's a scene where a husband lets his wife down. the next shot, rather than a big shouty row, is just her bushing their bed apart into two singles. Perfect, said it all.
It's quite enjoyable doing this draft, thanking up images to tell story, but the depressing thing is usually that it cuts a lot of pages out and makes me worry I don't have enough story. Well, not this time as I'm already worrying I don't have enough story. Decided Stevie needs to be more abject about his condition. He should be something of a depressive, hence the fact he's desperate to escape this situation. So I can work on some scenes for that at the same time I cut scenes out to be replaced by shots of a woman pushing two beds apart.
Watch this feature turn into a short.
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