Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The never ending road

Version six sent out to a few people to canvass more opinion, but no sooner has it gone out than I come up with an additional scene that seems to help out everything. Although I've made the central character more of a loser and so more tied to the idea of success in the band or romance, I realised I needed a scene where he falls back in love with his ex, so I wrote one of them sitting on a bench at night looking up at all the different colours in the tower block windows. It's romantic (hopefully without being sickly) and it seems to give the script a turning point it was lacking before. I really wish I'd done this before I sent it out. The main worry is that I'll get loads of feedback pointing out things that are terribly, terribly wrong with the script, and none of them will be about the fact there isn't a scene where they fall in love. Never has the phrase 'can't see the wood for the trees' been more apt than in script writing.

But cheering everything up was the email I got the other day from Sam Mendes saying how much he enjoyed Home and what projects was I working on now. See, you have a bad week of wondering if your script makes any sense / will make any sense / is in any way worth the effort, and then you get a nice email from an Oscar winner and everything's OK again. It's THAT EASY.


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