Monday, May 05, 2008

Day seventeen. I think.

I have no idea what I shot yesterday. Really no idea. It comes to the point when I have to stop and look at yesterdays call sheet to remember. So that's why I've been writing all this down.

In the hall again today, and once again we fire through a huge chunk of the script, so much so that we can wrap all the hall scenes today, a day early. We get the track up and glide through the hall while the band play the first song. The actors seem to be relishing being able to do pages of dialogue, it must be so much easier than bitty paragraphs, and so we fly through the scenes. They all know their characters so well now I find myself having to say less and less to them.

Even better is the fact that we now have tomorrow as a day off so I shall be going to the pub tonight. Four days left, so still plenty of time for things to go very wrong indeed.


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