Saturday, September 13, 2008


Most films will hire a film PR to get out there and put the word about. Obviously we can't afford to do that, so we're doing it ourselves. There's nothing like trying to learn a new skill. As a result every person I know who has even so much as bumped into a film journalist is being roped in to send emails about 1234.

Right now we're just trying to get on peoples radar, let them know the film exists. There's something like 200 films in the festival, and no one can see them all, so we've got to make sure at least a few journalists choose ours when deciding what to see.

Everyone has been very helpful (special thanks go out to eithne and Jeremy here), and Moviehouse have played their part, getting a piece in Screen and talking to various other, so now we just need to get the press screening dates so we can send those out and, fingers crossed, get some coverage.

To help with this I was forced (and I mean forced) to go to a photoshoot for the Times, who are doing a special booklet on the festival for the 11th October. There are few things I hate more than having my photo taken, but it's all for a good cause, and it's not like it was heavy lifting or anything. It was just me and two other directors, Pat Holden and Richard Jobson. Pat and I didn't look too comfortable, but Richard Jobson is an old hand at this sort of thing so it was a lot easier with someone like him about.

I think next time I may hire a male model to be my public face. They can go and do all the photoshoots and I can stay in the pub.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Giles,

It's been great reading the updates on how you and the film are doing!! Not long now till the LFF. I've read the review on their site and it all looks awesome. You were saying you're doing all the PR yourself. One idea might be to get yourself a page on facebook. It's free and you get access to tons of people. I've already put up a link on my page to the 1-2-3-4 website, but I know of a lot of films that have their own proper page. Free publicity never a bad thing. The question I have been dying to ask of course is if there is going to be a crew screening at all? I can't wait to see the film. Anyways, good luck finishing everything and with all the photoshoots coming up for you!!

Angel ;)

9:57 am  
Blogger and large said...

Hi Angel,

Someone is in the process of creating a facebook page for us so I'll put a link up to that as soon as it's done.

I'm sure we'll have a cast and crew screening before the 17th, it all really depends on when we get everything finished, but we'll definitely have a screening at some point so keep checking your email.

10:12 am  

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