There's always trouble
Just as everything was fitting into place comes news that one of the featured songs, for which we were promised we could have full rights to use, may now not have been the bands to give away. It appears they'd sold the international rights to another company, maybe even two other companies, who now of course all want money. There was obviously some kind of mix up when we asked for a track they had the rights to, someone didn't get the message, but it now leaves us in a tricky situation.
The choices appear to be pay too much (not really an option) cut the song (a real pain) or hope we can re-negotiate with these other labels. Fingers crossed they'll see sense and charge less as I really don't want to cut this song.
In other news we're just gearing up to do the pick up shots, maybe some on saturday with the rest early next week. Some of the old crew will be there and some new, it'll be very odd. Six simple scenes, then it's off to finally lock the edit. In theory.
Just use a Sunnyvale track instead, no one will notice. We're available at a very reasonable rate of £20,000 per track.
We'll never be that desperate.
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