Pick ups

Everything is coming together now. Next week we're getting the locations for the six or so pick up shots needed, then we'll shoot those the week after. We've done a little more tweaking to the cut (don't worry Kev it's still your cut), taking out a couple of things that had started to bother me, and best of all finding a couple of really nice cut aways in the balcony scene. Then we drop in the pick ups and that picture is locked. Then it's fun fun fun as we start on the sound mixes and the ADR work, and that's when you know you're nearly finished.
The financial plan for the post work is almost in place, a few options still to be finalised, but it looks pretty much OK, and not a minute too soon. We're planning to end on a 35mm print, but first stop will be getting the HD master made that we're going to strike the print off. Once that's done we've got something we can show distributors so can take our time getting the print down.
On the subject of distributors, someone is obvioulsy saying nice things about the film as we've started to get phone calls from distributors and other sales agents saying they'd heard good reports and what stage were we at. All very nice to hear, but who is it that's saying these things? Whoever it is I'd like them to carry on doing it. Best call of all was from a sales outfit that are also a financing house. They knew we already had a sales agent, but they'd seen our last short film Home as well (how?) and wanted to have a look at our next project. So I'm off to the post office to send them a script right now. Oh wouldn't development money be nice.
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