Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Smoke on the water

I gave up smoking when the ban came into effect in the UK last June. All was fine, but I knew that when we started filming there was a chance I might have the odd cigarette. And so, at about 10.30 on the first days filming, I turned to david, the 3rd AD,, and said, 'give me a cigarette'.

So I smoked for the shoot, but then came the edit. I smoked for some of that, mainly becuase the editor smoked, but for about half of it I didn't, letting him go for a fag break while I hunted for pornography, or played word battle, on the internet. I never smoked at home, so it was only a couple a day, but still too much.

But now the edit's done (-ish) I've stopped again. Until tonight. Today I had to go and meet my friend Tessa rockchick who was over from Hong Kong. We met at the hospital (the club not the NHS building), where she was witha group of other people who I didn't know. One was a PR, one was a booker for models 1, one is making a film on the Stooges (I've already offered to do some camera on his next shoot) and one was a mystery. The mystery one suddenly announced that he was going for a cigarette, and did anyone want to join him. Being ill at ease with a large group of strangers (I'm as crap as everyone else) I said I would, so the two of us went onto the balcony for a cigarette.

Making small talk I asked him what he did. He said he was a film financier. Hah, what are the chances. I explained our project. It's not what he normally does, but he loved the idea. He may not be able to help, but he's going to make some calls.

So it all may (and probably will) turn out to be nothing, but the fact is that if I hadn't gone out for a cigarette I would never have had the converstation and so would never have found what may be the final piece of money we need. So smoking is thereofr officially useful.

Of course had I been strong and not smoked he would have come back in at some point and we would have had much the same conversation, but I'm ignoring that fact. And anyway, I've given up smoking again now. But this time I mean it. Unless you're a film financier who wants a chat.


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