Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I don't know a cheap song title pun about sales agents

But the good news is that they love the film. And they love the music in it too. So far the tracks included are:

statement of vindication by Bikini Kill
I wanna be your dog by the Stooges
My wandering days are over by Belle and Sebastian
Techno self harm by Sunnyvale
Love without lies by Comet Gain
Great Expectations by My sad captains
something I don't know the title of by the very excellent Betty and the werewolves
All the great songs from our band

We still need to finalise rights for Bikini Kill. the Stooges and Belle and Sebastian, and also Kill Rock Stars are looking at a copy of the film to see if they can think of any more bands, but either way it's going to be a great soundtrack.

Also still thinking of getting bands ot cover all the tracks on the title cards for an album. This would be great fun but may also be lots of work. Pah, like I'm that busy.

Finally, someone put a tracking something on this website so I could see if anyone was reading it, and to my horror quite a lot of people appear to be visiting it. I only started doing this as my memory is terrible and I wanted a way of looking back and remembering when that happened, and I only did it on the interspazz as a way of not losing it. Well, that'll learn me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Giles,

This is one of the horrifying people who've been reading your blog. You've got mail at the email address listed in your blogger profile -- I hope it's still the right one.

Congratulations on the film -- I hope it's a huge success!

- J

12:08 am  

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