Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Well we lived with the first cut for a while, then we made some changes and the second cut looked great. then after a while we weren't so sure about that we made a third version. And then we decided that while bits were working, other bits weren't and maybe we needed to try mixing things up a bit. So that's what we did. A lot.

We moved scenes all over the place. Gigs that took place near the end now happen early. Shots from act three now appear at the start of act two. but the main thing we did was rearrange things thematically. that is, rather than have a standard linear narrative, we used the fact the content was broken into chapters to make each chapter about a certain character. So while most of the story belongs to Stevie, there are now a couple of chapters that just belong to Billy or Emily. Obviously they all appear in each others chapters, but the difference is that we now see everything through each of these characters eyes independently.

And I don't want to get too certain, but it appears to work. Plus it adds extra information. So now that Billy goes to the job centre early it informs everything that he does after. Likewise Emily and Richard. It's also seen a return to Bikini Kill as the title music, which makes everyone happy (until we ask them and they say no).

Meanwhile Kieran Bew (Billy) came down to have a look and thankfully he loved it, or atleast did a very good impression of loving it. Pleased to say he laughed in all the right places, and looked upset in all the sad bits. If we can always have audiences like Kieran then I think everything's going to be alright.

Next up, time to find a deal for the completion money, then it's off to shoot the pick up shots we need, audio mix, grade, then collapse. I'm quite looking forward to collapse.


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