Saturday, May 10, 2008

The final day

We've not got much to shoot today, but we still have scenes to do, so even though there's a air of last day of school about everything we still have to crack on.

Arclite studios are very small indeed, even smaller when you've put some lights and flags up, then added a camera and a cast, but somehow we get through the scenes without breaking anything.

Then, at about six, we've shot everything in the schedule. I look around for anything else we could shoot, but in all honesty there isn't anything, it's all covered, so we go outside and Jorge calls the film a wrap, and we get stuck into the champagne. Then we go over the road and get stuck into the lager.

I can't quite believe we've got through it all, I don't think it'll sink in for a few days. It's certainly going to be strange not seeing the crew every day. What am I talking about, I'm going to see them all again on Tuesday for the wrap party.


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