Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I love London

Well, I might. It depends. Had a great meeting with Moviehouse, the sales agents for the film, today. They're really enthusiastic about the new cut, so westarted talking about a schedule for festivals to enter.

They've always favoured starting with sundance, our worry has always been if we apply and don't get in it's a long wait, so we wanted to go for London, and after watching the new cut I'm pleased to say they agree. The film has a strong London feel, though it's not the normal touristy London (the day tourists go to Hackney is when you know everything really has gone mental), and so with any luck the London film festival will look favourably on it.

But who can tell. Film festivals are funny things. Maybe they already have a low budget gentle rom com about an indie band and don't need another. When we made Home, a film that ran backwards, we found out there was another backwards film applying to most of the same festivals as we were, and I don't believe any film festival wants two backwards films. So it's fingers crossed for London.

I've also had a load of emails form people who've been following this struggle to make the film after I expressed my horror anyone else was reading this. I should have chosen my words more carefully, it's not horror it's amazement. I never set this up with that in mind, and until we linked to it from the main site I only told about three people it existed, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who got in touch about the film. You're all very welcome here. (though it would be nice if you could make sure every single memeber of your family goes to see the film at least twice).

Tomorrow we continue to cut the trailer. It's much harder than I thought it would be, not knowing if we should give that away or put that joke in. I would like to get that VO man with the really deep voice to give it a proper hollywood trailer VO, one of those ones that starts with 'In a land before time...', but it may not fit.

Oh, and we went to see radiohead last night and gave Ed a copy of the film. I hope he likes it and doesn't ring up demanding his money back. It's a bit late now.


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