Friday, October 03, 2008

One film, handed over

So that's that (for now). Film, with a full grade and stereo sound mix handed over to the people at the London film festival. Obviously that's not all the work done, we still need to get a 5.1 stereo mix down for release, and then there's the small matter of trying to get someone to buy the film for distribution, but for now, that's it.

Next up is our press screening on the 9th, so it's time to email every journalist we can think of and try to get them down to see it. There's supposed to be somehting about the film in the Times tomorrow, and the Observer requested a copy, so fingers crossed we could get a mention there as well. The odd thing is that this part is so important but is completely out of our hands. A couple of good reviews will make selling the film so much easier, but we've made the film, now there's nothing we can do but hope people like it.

All screenings are now sold out, and I'm somewhat dreading the premiere. Kearney and I have to do a Q and A session afterwards. I wasn't keen, but Michael Hayden (head programmer at the LFF) really wants to do one, and he's been so supportive of the film we really couldn't say no. I have visions of him asking the audience if anyone has any questions, only to be met with stoney silence before one person puts their hand up and just asks 'why?'.

So as a way of not thinking about things I'm going to lots of press screenings. this week so far I've seen Il Divo, which caused such a storm at Cannes and is excellent (modern Italian political history told in the style of Goodfellas) and Dean Spanley, which our friend Alan Harris produced, and which is wonderful. Peter O'Toole is amazing in it, and with the right marketing I think it could be a huge hit.


Blogger Hushy said...

Morning mate. Like I said over there *points* - this blog content is well worth doing something with. I'm sure you've been too busy sorting important shit out to bother re-reading what you've written down the years, but it's a proper good tale, and having read it from start to finish tonight, I can only say that other people would want to as well. I just hope it has a happy ending on Friday week.

PS - your STARmeter rating on IMDb is 77,146 - the highest ever! Just above that woman who used to be on the adverts a while ago, and that kid from the thing you saw last year. No, not him, the spotty, forgettable one.

2:21 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

plant some questions with people in the audience.. you know the ones that start "Giles, you had such a fantastic career so far..."


11:55 am  

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