Sunday, September 14, 2008

This week

is hopefully the week everything pretty much comes together. The extra audio effects are being recorded while the sound mixer goes through the dialogue one last time to make sure we know all the bits that need re-recording. Once we've got that list we start doing the ADR, hopefully towards the end of the week.

We also need to finalise the end roller. We have to go through this time after time because we really, really don't want to miss anyone's name off. It's surprising how easy it is to do. I went through it on Friday, then again on Saturday and already noticed one missing name. We should also get something close to the finished opening credits, the rough ones look great and I can't wait to see the finished version. After that we need to think about some kind of opening company logo. When we've finally decided on what on earth that is going to be we can send them all over to lipsync who can start to put them in the finished, scanned master copy.

Then there's some new music from Remy to try fitting in and seeing how it all sits, all the while avoiding the urge to make any changes to the edit (because WE CAN'T). Then on Wednesday we start the grade. I love doing the grade, but have to be quite strict as it's all too easy to get carried away and to keep trying different things, because they all look so cool, but we have neither the time or the money, especially not the time. Or money.

Minter has also taken his crayons out and come up with a very nice poster. It's being bounced backwards and forwards while everyone who needs to has their input, but I'm a little worried we might be trying to cram too much in and simplicity might be the best way forward, but we'll see. If you want to know what the process is it's a bit like this (which is of course the new version of the excellent original ).

So by the end of this week everything should be falling into place. At least that's the theory. But more importantly, I've been given a ticket to go and see Metallica tonight. I only know their first album, and this new one is their eleventieth, but it will, if nothing else, be a laugh. If it's really good I may overdub all the music in our film with metal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know you're mentioned in the Hollywood Reporter ( In esteemed company too. Sounds like people have a high regard for this movie. When speaking to the press, you should mention it's a "World Premiere". Also, put your trailer up on YouTube, you can also link to your site that way in the notes too. Easy & free to do. If you're mentioned in the Hollywood Reporter, maybe the London Film Festival themselves can help you PR your movie more?

10:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The LFF have been very helpful to us, but they've got an awful lot of films to look after so it's down to us really. Youtube is an excellent idea, I always forget about it. Once I find what I've done with my copy of the trailer I'll stick it up thyere, thanks!

10:01 am  

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