Thursday, January 31, 2008


I handed in my notice yesterday. This means I will work out a month at this job then have exactly a month pre-production. To say it's terrifying wuold be a massive understatement.

The reason I chose yesterday was that one of our major investors agreed to underwrite us up to our shoot budget. While they want us to find the money elsewhere (which I'm confident we can), they will make up whatever shortfall if they have to. So effectively we're go. Even typing that frightens me.

Music rehearsals on tuesday, and a few songs coming together for the band to play. It looks like the Velvet's style is the way to go, but still need to right something that can be their single. I'm planning to make a CD with about half a dozen songs for all involved to make sure we all know what we're aiming for, then we can happily rip them off with impunity.

It really is very odd looking round the office thinking that in four weeks time I'll be gone (as will my very nice salary), but there's not a decent reason in the world not to do this. Have to factor in that my hangover may be a factor in all this as well, but then it usually is.


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