Oh and I forgot
The business plans that we had done turned out to be way too serious for our needs, so under advice form Alan Harris at Atlantic films, we produced a new version, more of a proposal, that was a mixture of text, photos, doodles and bits of script, to give an idea of oursleves, the film, the world it's set in as well as the business plan. It was all done beautifully as if it was the mess on top of someones desk by simon minter nineteenpoint (http://www.nineteenpoint.com/), but he hasn't put it up on his website yet so he must think it looks terrible. It has, however, gone down very well indeed with all the investors.
Also, though she may have been drunk and forgotten she said yes, famous indie photographer Alison Wonderland (http://www.alisonwonderland.co.uk/) has agreed to do stills. We shook on it, Alison, there's no getting out of it now.

(smog by Alison Wonderland)
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