Sunday, April 13, 2008

OK, here we go

So after what seems like an age we finally start filming tomorrow. After much negoatiating we finally have our cast, Ian Bonar, Lyndsey Marshal, Kieran Bew and Mathew Baynton. The last two days have been a quick crash course rehearsal with them, and only time will tell if it's worked. They all seem happy enough, they're my first choice cast, all fantastic and experienced actors, so fingers crossed they'll get me out of any trouble.

Crew are all excellent. We've been innundated with people wanting work, which is great, but we've tried to give priority to people who worked for free on one of our shorts before, so we once again have Almut on make up, Kevin editing and Mike as DoP, though as an emmy nominated DoP Mike didn't really need the favour.

I'm much calmer than I thought I would be. Yesterday evening was a bit full of panic, but today I woke up and just reminded myself of what sort of film I wanted to make, and hope as long as I can keep that in mind I'll feel OK about things. God knows. I'll see how I feel on the 10th May when this is all over. It'll either have been brilliant or I'll be in hiding in Belgium.


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