Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Crewing up

We now have a very nice 1st AD on board, and by Friday we'll know if we have a very nice Line Producer on board. If we haven't then on Monday we phone the other very nice Line Producer.

Have a few issues over what payment was agreed with some members of crew, but am sure that will be sorted out this week as well, then it's time to start getting more casting sessions arranged as well as sorting out contracts for actors already signed up.

And finally, had an email out of the blue from an ex (very) high up in the music business person wanting to know what stage we're at and have we got all the money, so am now waiting for a meeting with them. The sooner we can tie off the rest of the cash the happier I'll be.

Film is due to be announced in Berlin this week by sales agent. This won't alter anything, apart from make me more nervous, so am really looking forward to that. Have taken to reminding myself it's a small film, and that seems to do the trick.

And finally, we've hammered the budget down so that we can now shoot for four weeks not three, as everyone (DoP excepted) said it would a) kill us and b) kill us. Much happier with four weeks, it means only 3.75 pages a day.

Am trying not to look at what 3.75 pages is in reality.


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