Press day

We got our first review today, and a lovely one it was too (here's a link). Reading the review it struck me that it's funny because you spend all this time making a film, and then when it's finished you kind of give it away and it belongs to anyone who sees it. It's something I guess we have to get used to (though if everyone hates it I'm taking it back). I never in a million years thought we'd get Four Weddings mentioned in review of 1234 - though with a quick bit of mental arithmatic I reckon that if we got 0.01% of their worldwide gross we'd go into profit - but it crops up in this one. I was dreading reading the first review, and so it's nice to have got that out the way with such a positive one.
Meanwhile, at the Southbank it was our press screening, and thankfully we needn't have worried about attendance as it was packed. I have this information second hand as I couldn't face turning up to see for myself. Apparently there was laughter, hopefully in the right places, and fingers crossed it went down well. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
The next level of dread is going to be the premiere in 8 days time, which will not only be hell having to watch the film with a full audience for the first time but will also then feature the Q&A session after. Roll on Saturday morning and we can all start relaxing, unless of course I end up saying something really out of order by accident and have to then go into hiding in Belgium.
Meanwhile, best film seen so far (though they've all been good) is documentary Beautiful Losers on the outsider art movement. It's excellent.
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