Friday, May 06, 2005

Final day

Get up early and Kearney and I drive round Greenford looking for a suitable hall table that someone may be throwing out. Not sure what we'll do if we don't find one, try mocking something up close to the lens I guess. All very Citizen Kane but not really in keeping with the rest of the piece.

Suddenly we spot some strange wicker linen basket thing which will make a good table. Ring the doorbell to check they are indeed throwing it out, then whisk it away in the van just in time to pick the rest of the crew up.

Start shooting straight away, the scenes are quicker to do now Kieran isn't in his homeless phase and requiring an hour of make up. Rattle hall scenes uot, and bedroom scenes, then take a while setting up cot scene. Try and keep as empty a set as possible for this scene as it's a really difficult one for Martha to do, many tears required. She does it a treat. I call cut as soon as I can and she runs off down the stairs in tears. Makes me feel dreadful, but she later assures me she'd much rather it that way than letting her get too carried away.

Kearney goes off to direct an exterior that we were missing while I try and get my head ruond blocking the end scene. Fry my brain numerous times as I try and work out the movement backwards. Eventually Mike comes back, and we both get confused about it.

First up we shoot Felix and Monch as extras walking by to fit inbetween the hospital and breakdown scenes. I suddenly thought last night that we'd need something and this seems to be the answer.

Then it's on to the final scene. Quite a few takes to get it right but it ends up looking great, good sunshine, pregnant Martha and a beaming Kieran. Good to finish on a sunny, happy scene.

Much hugging and back slapping, then everyone heads to the local pub. several beers later and the majority of us end up in the Oak in Westbourne Grove for more beers. Bump into Mal, who was a runner on the Spaceman, the previous film I made with Mike six years ago. Small world. Leave about 11 when it's starting to get really messy, mainly because I'm shattered and have to shift gear tomorrow from the rat house. Can't believe we've finally shot the thing, after all the talk, the meetings and the mad pre production. Now it's time to get the thing transferred to Beta so we can start cutting it. Then we'll find out if it does make any sense backwards, or if we've all got it horribly wrong. And by "we" in that sentance, I mean "I". Bugger, it's my fault.


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