Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The waiting game

And so we sit here, with two and a half hours of wonderful rushes on HD. It will cost us about £300 to get them converted to Beta so we can start editing, but we've run out of money, so it'swaitingg on the freebie time again.

Obviously I've said all along that we were making this film for no money, but of course that's a lie, what it really means is that we're making this money with no funding and only what little we can scrape together. There will always be some things you can't avoid paying for (like feeding your crew). Off the top of my head I'd guess we've spent about 2K thus far, pretty much what some of my friends will spend on there holiday. Could we find the extra £300 to do the transfer? We will if we have to, but given the state of my bank balance I'd rather not. The carrot we're offering is that the commercials company who let us put the job through their book are looking to spend money on HD and so put a lot of business the way of whoever can help us with the transfer (apart obviously from the true glory of being associated with this short). One company is currently mulling this over. Please say yes. I don't want to go on holiday, but I do rather want to pay that huge gas bill.

But we have to have an answer soon, the deadline for entry to the fabulous Uppsala festival in Sweden is Jul1stst, so we have to have a rough cut done by then. In the meantime it's off to the piano to start work on some music. Hah.

Pretty sure we're going to need some extra cutaways, not of the actors, but just general shots tseparatete the various stages of the story, but I'm hoping that the lovely people at Panavision, who so wanted to help before, might be up for lending us a camera for one day, but we'll have to have a look at the rough cut first to see what we need.

Once we get the transfer done. When we get the transfer done. Ken Loach would have had the damn thing in the cinemas by now.


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