Indie ROCK

Anyway, I went to the Fortuna Pop night to finally see My Sad Captains, the band whose song Great Expectations finishes the film. It's the first time I've ever seen them live and they were great, and when they played Great Expectations it was one of those weird moments when all I could imagine was the final shot of the film. I can't believe I've not managed to see them before, but am very glad I have now, and I'll certainly try and see them again, they're great. It was a proper indie night, as not only were they there, Sean (el presidente from Fortuna Pop) was there along with John Jervis from the marvellous Where it's at is where you are label (who asked me to DJ at one of his sunday afternoon sessions)along with Rob and Amy from Heavenly and Eithne and Mike from the film.
And just when I thought the night couldn't get any better the headline band, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, came on and were just brilliant. They're from New York and were fantastic. they sound a bit shoe gazey on their myspace page, but were a bit rockier live, and I loved them. Absolutely have to get them on the soundtrack for the next film.
Which may well be called Tender Buttons and be about working in a restaurant. I'm ten pages away from finishing the first draft and it looks about the right size to do for a next film. A Girl and a Gun would be lovely to do, but I still worry it's a bit large, and maybe it would be a good thing to do third. But we'll see, right now I'm broke and will quite happily direct porn if it means I can pay the rent.
Meanwhile, saw Damon Wise from Empire (along with Jeremy Drysdale and Nev Pierce from Total Film) for beer yesterday, and Damon said he'd put 1234 down in his Guardian guide list of top films to see in 2009, which was very nice of him. Can't wait for a UK theatrical release, it'll be like the pain of the LFF screening only times a million. Brilliant. Belgium here I come.